Hello,👋 I'm

Pranav Shilavane

I'm a MERN Stack Web Developer with a good background in developing Full Stack Web Applications and little knowledge of UI/UX.

My snapchat profile photo in the about section of portfolio

Hey there! 👋

I'm Pranav a passionte MERN Stack Developer. I love building web applications. Everyday I'm learning new things and building some stuff.

All of my projects are available at projects-by-pranav

Let's team up and turn your ideas into reality!

My Tech Skills

I've worked with these technologies


My Projects

Discover some of the Projects that I've developed till now or visit projects-by-pranav



This is a Vegetable Grocery website MERN project.

Projects by Pranav

Projects by Pranav

Projects by Pranav is my projects showcase website.

Twitter Clone

Twitter Clone

This is frontend UI Clone of twitter website made in ReactJS and Tailwind CSS.

Instagram Clone

Instagram Clone

This is frontend UI Clone of instagram website made in ReactJS and Tailwind CSS.

Youtube Clone

Youtube Clone

This is frontend UI Clone of home page of youtube website made in NextJS and Tailwind CSS.

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